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New Release: "Belief Mode" Now Available

books Jun 28, 2023

I am super excited to announce that my book, "Belief Mode," is now officially launched and ready to make its way to your hands, your minds, and your hearts. This book is the result of years of dedication, experience, and a focused desire to help each one of you reach your full potential.

"Belief Mode" is a comprehensive guide to transform your life, a journey to unlock your inner greatness. I've always said, "Fitness is a catalyst to greatness to all areas of life"  So I definitely incorporate that but I do it in an integrated way.

What makes "Belief Mode" unique? It's the book's holistic approach to personal development. It doesn't isolate one aspect of personal development but integrates mindset, fitness, nutrition, and high-performance habits into the process I successfully used with so many of my clients.

I also packed with actionable advice, compelling exercises, and inspiring real-life examples... I wanted "Belief Mode" to...

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10 Must Read Books For Those On The Fitness Inspired Mission

books mindset Jan 12, 2018

Reading as had a huge impact in my life. It has created a lot of growth and success, and I want that for you as well.

With a longer commute to my training facility, I have really increased the amount of books I consume (Thank you Audible!). Below you are going to find 10 books that will make impact on your fitness, your life, and your happiness. They are listed in no particular order.


The 10 X Rule

This book is about taking massive action. It will get you fired up, and also realize that average action leads to average results. I go to this book when I feel stagnant and need a kick. Kick is a great word, it will kick start you into more action.

The One Thing

“What’s the ONE thing I can do, such that by doing it everything else will become easier or unnecessary?” This is a very powerful focusing question that makes huge impact on results!

You Are a Bad Ass

This book had me very curious because I saw so many people recommend it, that I had to read it for...

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