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Dominate Fitness Through The Holidays

fitness holidays nutrition Nov 22, 2019

Dominate Fitness Through The Holidays

A lot of people struggle with fitness and nutrition in general and it becomes an even bigger struggle during the holidays, and can even be challenging for those of us with a good grasp with our fitness and nutrition.


Lets face it, the holidays bring people together, and usually the center of all our gatherings is food... LOTS OF IT!  We have those family members that really lay on the pressure as well, and when you politely say no to a certain dish or dessert they won't take no for an answer.  With the pressure applied AND being surrounded by a lot of great tasting foods, it can be hard not to waiver.  So with food at the heart of the matter here are some tips to dominate your fitness through the holidays.


Tip #1 - PLAN YOUR WORKOUTS!  Seems obvious, right?  I can not emphasize the importance of being intentional and honoring the commitments made to yourself. Map out your schedule now through the end of the...

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